We are happy to share with you our latest peer-reviewed publication, “Round and flat zygomatic implants: effectiveness after a 1-year follow-up non-interventional study,” created by three members of our ZAGA Centers Scientific Council: Dr. Carlos Aparicio (Barcelona), Prof. James Chow (Hong Kong), Dr. Rubén Davó (Alicante), along with two other experienced researchers: Dr. Waldemar D. Polido, Scientific Partner in Indianapolis and Dr. Bilal Al-Nawas.

The procedure for zygomatic implant rehabilitation is complex, involving several factors such as one of the most significant: each patient’s anatomy. With that in mind, the zygomatic implant design should support the success of the procedure.

As the article said “This prospective non-interventional study evaluated clinical outcomes of treatment with new zygomatic implants designs according to the ZAGA Concept. Indeed, all zygomatic implants in this study were placed following the ZAGA Concept and, using site-specific zygomatic implants. As there were no intraoperative complications, in the analysis of the behavior of the new implants more emphasis on late complications specific to the zygomatic implants has been given. The few late complications that did appear could not be related to the type of ZAGA implant used. The choice of either one implant design or another is made in relation to a specific anatomical situation. Consequently, the occurrence of a complication status, the peri-implant soft tissue condition, and also, zygomatic implant stability.”

In that line, this study has concluded, after following twenty patients for 12 to 28 months, that the survival rate for zygomatic implant surgery with ZAGA-Flat and ZAGA-Round ZI is 100%.

“Results revealed that the healing process was uneventful, with none of the implants showing relevant clinical problems including fistulas The ZI survival rate of 100% found in this study is consistent with other studies using a similar clinical follow-up. A recent meta-analysis reports a survival rate of 98.35% for the follow-up of 6 to 12 months while a systematic review on immediate loading ZI reports a survival rate range of 96–100%.” reported the article.

“Although there is more freedom in treatment decisions with an observational study, the systematic documentation of the device’s usage and clinical outcome provides an overall assessment of the device’s effectiveness.” the article concludes.

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