Discover if you are eligible for a ZAGA certification and start to enjoy all the benefits of being a ZAGA Center. Access a realm of knowledge and networking and be parrt of a scientific-minded community focused on growth.

ZAGA Center Chiayi
We are a group of professionals centered on zygomatic implants’ continuous improvement and excellence. To this end, we focus on:
Excellence ZAGA Centers

Clinical Excellence

Joining the ZAGA network will give you access to ongoing conversations about cases: success, failures, opinions, studies, and scientific publications altogether.

Exclusive area ZAGA Centers


There is only one ZAGA Center per area. We focus on differentiating each office, giving them a strict area of exclusivity to maximize the experience in the hands of 1 or 2 surgeons.

Support ZAGA Centers


 We support each ZAGA Center with a portal to educate patients and refer them to the nearest office within the ZAGA network. 

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Why obtain the ZAGA Certification?

We work as an international network of highly experienced professionals in zygomatic implants. Our aim is to enhance the treatment’s success rate through scientific progress, focusing on preventing complications and improving our ZAGA Concept to provide the best possible care for our patients.

Using strict requirements, each certified ZAGA Center is screened before approval. Then, they become the exclusive local references for zygomatic implant treatments. The objective is to provide best-in-class treatment for all patients and to accumulate even more experience to further enhance its success rate.

Serve Patients

With the strong support of our collaborative portal smile24h.com, you can support your patients suffering from severe maxillary atrophy with enhanced confidence. Relying on the complete network of ZAGA Centers, the patient portal smile24h.com informs patients facing complex dental situations and, when needed, refers them to the certified ZAGA Centers globally. Available in 18 languages, all centers participate in a major effort to educate our patients so they can make the best possible decision for their dental future.

"When patients come to our office and see our ZAGA Center plaque, it creates a certain amount of confidence."

Steps for ZAGA Center Certification

Certifying as a ZAGA Center requires initial and continued compliance with requirements. After you send us the application form, we will start a process to evaluate* your submission:

ZAGA Center Step 1

First Step - Presentation

We will set a brief call regarding your experience with zygomatic implants and why you want to join.

Requirements ZAGA Certification

Second Step - Clinical Case Presentation

Video answer (we will record it live) to:

  • Brief description of your cv/curriculum and experience with regular and zygomatic implants;
  • What does the rehabilitation of the atrophic maxilla using zygomatic implants mean for you?
  • What do you believe the ZAGA Centers Network can do for you?
  • What do you think you can do for the ZAGA Centers Network?
  • Share five documented zygoma cases with us, including at least two quad zygoma rehabilitations. The easiest way is to prepare a PowerPoint or keynote for a video presentation. For each treated patient, the candidate should include a short description of the case, including the following information:
    • Introduction: Brief introduction of the case: Patient’s age, Chief Medical Complaint
    • Relevant medical history
    • Relevant dental history: Previous failures or/and complications, augmentations, grafts, etc.
    • Patient’s request/expectations: What they are asking for
    • Relevant clinical exploration findings: remaining teeth, bone loss, remaining implants, and the volume of the alveolar bone when applicable.
    • If you add figures, add a short legend to them in all cases.
    • Treatment Plan
    • Treatment performed
    • CBCT (pre- & post-op) images. Alternatively, a post-op OPG would suffice if local regulations make a post-op CBCT unfeasible
    • Prosthesis delivery
    • Surgical pictures
    • Pre- & Post-op full-face anonymized picture of the patient
    • Information regarding the follow-up period (longest available).
NOTE: It is a requirement to participate in an official ZAGA Course before or within the first six months after acceptance. The ONLINE course option is valid for ZAGA Certification.

All information should be anonimized.

June 5-7 | Barcelona, Spain
Join us at one of the biggest conferences on advanced dental implantology.