Dr. Lesley from ZAGA Center Toronto


“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford

Dr Lesley David is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon as well as a renowned zygomatic implant expert. Besides, she is the leading oral and maxillofacial surgeon at ISC – Implant Surgical Care,  the first ZAGA Center in Toronto. As a leading surgeon, she implements the ZAGA philosophy in the approach to patient cases. Therefore, she puts the well-being of her patients always in the first place.

Dr David achieved a DDS from McGill University, in Montreal. Later, she specialized in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of Toronto. In addition, Dr David became a lecturer at the Royal College of Dentists of Ontario. Nowadays, she is also on the Advisory Board of DC Institute. Moreover, Dr David gives lectures nationally and internationally, sharing her knowledge, especially with fellow dentists. In the past, she dedicated her time to teaching and research in the graduate Implant Prosthodontic Unit at the University of Toronto.

Dr Davi is a truly committed professional who keeps up to date with the latest techniques and provides support to other surgeons when needed. She performs live surgeries and has published several articles regarding implant dentistry. Undoubtedly, we are extremely excited to have Dr David as a member of the ZAGA Network.

Dr Lesley David’s Publications

  • Five-Year Clinical Results of Immediately Loaded Dental Implants Using Mandibular Overdentures. Alfadda, Sara A.; Attard, Nikolai J.; David, Lesley A. International Journal of Prosthodontics. 2009, Vol. 22 Issue 4, p368-373. 6p. 2 Charts, 1 Graph.
  • Immediate Loading of Implants with Mandibular Overdentures: One-Year Clinical Results of a Prospective Study. Attard, Nikolai J.; David, Lesley A.; Zarb, George A. International Journal of Prosthodontics. Nov/Dec2005, Vol. 18 Issue 6, p463-470. 8p. 4 Charts.
  • Quad Zygoma: Technique and Realities. R. Davó, L. David.

Why become a ZAGA Center?

Joining our ZAGA network will give you access to ongoing conversations about cases: success, failures, opinions, studies, and scientific publications altogether. Also, your office will be unique and exclusive in your area.
June 5-7 | Barcelona, Spain
Join us at one of the biggest conferences on advanced dental implantology.