ZAGA Social

ZAGAsocial is the social responsibility initiative of Zygoma Zaga Centers SL. Aimed at both patients and professionals, this initiative is born out of our desire to contribute to the well-being of society through our key domain of action: zygomatic implant rehabilitation.

ZAGAsocial’s Impact for Patients and Professionals

ZAGAsocial is a two-prongued initiative that includes two distinct programs, one for each of its constituencies (ZAGAaid for patients and ZAGAlearn for professionals), through which Zygoma ZAGA Centers SL is committed to making a positive impact in our society. We believe that taking action to help improve patients’ quality of life worldwide and provide educational opportunities for promising professionals is aligned with our mission and values and allows us to attempt to make a meaningful difference in the world.  

ZAGAsocial’s two pillars:



The goal of the ZAGAaid program is to help edentulous individuals, who lack the necessary financial resources, to access the zygomatic implant rehabilitation treatments needed to restore function, smiles and, above all, quality of life.



The goal of the ZAGAlearn program is to provide access to educational resources to talented professionals who aspire to excel in the field of zygomatic implant rehabilitation through an understanding of the ZAGA concept.

To apply to ZAGAaid

Doctor with a patient

How it works: 

  1. ZAGAaid coverage will only be awarded through certified ZAGA Centers. Patients may submit their applications to the certified ZAGA center in their corresponding geographic area. The decision to select and support a patient will rest with each ZAGA Center, and is entirely voluntary. If a ZAGA Center decides to support a patient, the ZAGA center will forward the application to the ZAGAaid program committee, along with a treatment plan for the patient and any documentary evidence justifying the need for financial support. The ZAGAaid program committee will consider any ZAGA Center-sponsored application based on clinical and financial need. The decision, in addition to the application’s merits, will also be made considering the number of grants available each year.
  2. If the ZAGAid support is awarded, the sponsoring ZAGA center will perform the treatment free of charge, and will receive the necessary surgical components (implants plus abutments) at no cost, plus a contribution of up to $2,000 towards the payment of a reinforced provisional prosthesis. With the acceptance of ZAGAaid support, the ZAGA Center will agree to share the operative and postoperative documentation of the case with the ZAGAaid program committee so that it can be publicly acknowledged. through.
    Once the treatment is completed, both the patient and the ZAGA Center in question will sign a declaration stating that the treatment was provided free of charge.
    Applications will be reviewed in a continuous manner until the yearly funding is exhausted. The committee’s resolutions are final and not appealable.
  3. We want to acknowledge that the ZAGAaid program would not be possible without the collaboration and contributions of two key partners:
  • The Straumann Group
  • The certified ZAGA centers (the members of the global ZAGA Centers Network).

To Apply to ZAGAlearn

The yearly ZAGAlearn 1-2-3-4 initiative consists in providing to eligible applicants, each year:

  • One scholarship for an on-side ZAGA course in Barcelona
  • Two scholarships for a full online ZAGA course
  • Three scholarships for an introductory online ZAGA course
  • Four copies of the book “Advanced Zygomatic Implants – The ZAGA concept,” edited by Dr. Aparicio, free of charge

To be eligible for the scholarships, applicants must be pursuing their studies in one of the Zygoma ZAGA Centers’ Scientific Partner universities and will submit their applications through them. Currently our Scientific partner universities are:

  • Indiana University, USA.
  • University of Valencia, Spain.
  • University of Foggia, Italy.
  • University of the Andes, Chile.


Each scientific partner institution will decide whether to support their candidates’ requests and will send their applications to the ZAGAlearn Committee, which will review each application and decide its outcome. To request a copy of the book free of charge, applicants can submit their requests directly to the ZAGAlearn committee at [email protected]. The committee’s resolutions are final and not appealable.

Zygomatic course with Dr. Aparicio
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