Prof Cemal Ucer ZAGA


“The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.” – John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Prof Cemal Ucer graduated from Manchester Dental School in 1982. First, he completed his postgraduate training as an oral surgeon, and afterward, he established a private hospital referral practice for implantology in 1988.

Nowadays, he is a renowned zygomatic implant expert and the leading surgeon at ICE Hospital in Manchester, the second ZAGA Center in the UK. Also, it should be emphasized, that over the past 25 years, he has performed thousands of implant procedures using various implant systems and products.

Generally, Prof Cemal Ucer dedicates his time to long-term dental research and education. He was awarded one of the first MSc certificates in implantology in the UK from Manchester University in 1995. Prof Ucer also received a PhD from Manchester University for his study investigating the factors affecting the survival of implants in iliac bone grafts and osteoporotic patients.

Prof Cemal User’s other research interests include the role of bone quality, quantity, and major bone grafting on the success of implants. Moreover, he is interested in the management of nerve damage related to implants, 3D surgical navigation, GBR, and sinus grafting techniques. Additionally, he is interested in the rehabilitation of severely atrophic maxilla with zygomatic and 3D customized implants.

Finally, Prof Ucer is the director of Ucer Education which provides training for the whole dental team in implantology.

Prof Cemal Ucer's Achievements

  • President and an honorary life member of the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI) (2011-2013)
  • Contributor to the scientific literature with numerous guidelines, position and research papers, and general peer reviewed publications
  • Chief author of the ADEE position paper on CPD Education in Implant Dentistry in Europe (2014) 
  • Member of the panel that revised the FGDP Training Standards in Implant Dentistry (TSID, 2016)
  • Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), and Clinical Director of Manchester Postgraduate Dental Institute at ICE Hospital in Manchester
  • Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Trainers at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a member of the Faculty of Examiners for the RCSEd Diploma in Implant Dentistry. 
  • Head of a working group that developed and published the National Standards in Implant Dentistry for the FGDP


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